We are so thankful that you are considering going on a mission trip with Channel of Love Ministries. We know that you will be investing time and finances for these mission trips, your life will be truly changed forever. Pray and seek God about joining us one or more of these mission trips.
Ways you will be used of God on a mission trip:
For those of you who would like to plan on coming on a mission trip, this is your opportunity to use your God-given talents.
If you do puppets, sing, play the guitar or any instrument, or if you can be a clown or do face painting, etc., etc., you will be used in these gifts.
On these trips you will be able to share your testimony, pray for the sick, lead people to Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and help with the set-up of the crusades.
We have several tent meetings scheduled this year and the dates will be posted on our website later.
Mission Trip #1 Olympia, WA Tent Meeting: July 8th thru July 12th.
Fly in on Monday, July 7th and Fly out Sunday, July 13th. Will be staying at Camp Grace Campground all meals included. Your cost will be your fights and a small required love gift for meals and lodging.
Mission Trip #2 Lancaster, PA Tent Revival: August 14th thru 23rd.
We have an exciting trip planned in Lancaster, PA, August 14th thru August 23rd. On this mission trip we have a special treat. We will be going to Sight and Sound Theatres, to see a play like a Broadway production. The play is the story of Noah.
The cost of this trip is $400 which includes transportation while there and room and board, plus the show. You will be responsible for your airfare, and flying in and out of Harrisburg, PA
On this mission trip we will be staying in a large church. You will have to bring your own air mattress, sleeping bag, blanket, sheets, pillow and towels and washcloth.
If interested in any of these Mission Trips, please BEGIN by contacting our Missions coordinator Deborah, by email: deb4life77@gmail.com or by calling 845-234-8648. When emailing please include your complete contact information and which mission trip you are planning on coming too. Detailed instructions and application will be sent to you.
Pray about which mission trip you want to go on. We are truly looking forward to working with you and seeing you blessed on these mission trips. Together we will work together to bring in a great harvest!
God Bless, Joan and Marty